The right words spoken at the right time have the potential to change a life forever. It is Jobi's hope that when given the opportunity to speak that she would be the connection between where a person is to where they have the potential to go. She has often said that she never wants to speak on topics that she has no experience in. Rather, when she speaks she desires to use her experiences and testimonies in order to inspire the listener to move forward in their next decisions and refuse to remain the same. Jobi Jones will ignite a flame of action and inspire the listener to take action and become all that they are created to be.
A Local Christian Author, Lifestyle Model, Visual Designer, and Speaker in Jacksonville, Fl.
Copyright © 2023 Designs by Jobi Jones All Rights Reserved.
All scripture quotations are taken from the
NKJV Giant Print Reference Bible
Copyright 2013 by Holman Bible Publishers
Nashville, Tennessee 37234. All Rights Reserved